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Action Research at Brudenell

Why do it?

As a school we are committed to lifelong learning and as such we fund release time for all our staff; teachers, support staff and office workers to carry out action research. Already we have noticed staff feeling more empowered and passionate about their work.   As you walk around the school you will see staff talking to one another and the pupils about their area of interest.  We are now into our third cycle and staff are continuing to use academic research to develop their understanding of an area of interest in order to increase pupil achievement.   

What is it?

Action research has two aspects:                            

1) The starting point is to identify a problem or issue in practice; the action researcher seeks a solution through reading published material related to the area of interest.               

2)The next stage is to put these ideas into practice and evaluate the impact within your relevant context.  This can include microteaching; recording sessions to evaluate the impact in depth.  Pupil/staff interviews and questionnaires are also an effective way of evaluating the impact.
The process of action research can also be used as a deliberate attempt to understand practice better .
What is most important in action research is that you are open, honest and rigorous.

Our main principals are that action research should be open and honest.

This year staff have focused on many areas as the hypotheses for their studies, some of these are;

  1. How can coaching help management skills?
  2. What impact does positive process praise have on motivation?
  3. How can pupil's thinking be deepened ?
  4. Can memory be improved to facilitate learning?
  5. By developing mindfulness and thinking can we promote motivation in our pupils?
  6. How can exploratory play support all key and prime areas of provision?
  7. Why do some pupils appear to repeatedly make the same mistakes in behaviour?

Staff thoughts before they started action research

pre action wordle(2)

Staff thoughts now they have started action research

post action(1)
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