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Take a look at this month's online safety information

July 1July 2

E-Safety in school

The internet is a powerful tool which we use to enrich children's experience of learning. It is increasingly an essential part of everyday life and work but we also have a responsiblity to teach children to use the internet safely.

However, the online world does not stop at 3:20pm and so we work with parents to support them in keeping all our children safe online. It is very common in families today that the children know more about the internet than the parents and we need to be mindful of this in our curriculum.

This page contains some information to help parents with internet safety.

Parent E-Safety Workshops

In Spring Term 2015, we held our first 'Safeguarding Me!' theme week and an important aspect of this was teaching the children about how to stay safe on the internet.  We also held two workshops where parents were given advice about keeping their children safe on the internet. This included using privacy settings. The Leeds Safeguarding Chioldren Board has published a really helpful webpage to show you how to change all the settings, including games consoles. 

We have just held our fourth Safeguarding Me Week and made a new link with Knowsley City Learning Centres to produce a monthly newsletter for our parents so they understand the current issues around online gaming and APPS.  These can be viewed at the bottom of this page.






Useful Links

There are a number of useful links you can use to increase your understanding of the internet and internet safety but, as you would expect, much of this information is online.

Here are some of the best links to information.





Protecting your child in school

At school, children use the internet via an Exa Internet Service Provider contract. We have installed firewall and suitability protections. The children use DB Primary as a Learning Platform via their individual user names and passwords which are unique to them. They can log in from this website.

School provides regular teaching and support for the approriate use if the internet both in and out of school. All activity on the Learning Platform can be monitored and children can report inappropriate content by 'blowing the golden whistle' which is a symbol in the corner of each screen. All activity is linked to a child's username and account and you can see the username of any account by hovering over the picture (even if the user has given themselves a different nickname). All pupils must now sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which is then countersigned by parents.

It is available to view here.

We have also recently signed up to the Knowsley City Learning Centre who produce an online safety newsletter monthly and this is on display outside every classroom and is available to view here.

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