Every Year we hold Aspirations week. We ask people to come in , talk about their career, hobby or life and inspire us to get a dream to be passionate and work hard for. These are some of the visitors from 2023 and the words or sayings our children came up with when talking about their visit. Thank you all for being amazing members of society.
Mirel is a parent who works for a huge car company and taught us about how he works on developing AI and how engineering changes the future.
Alan used to work for the NHS training people. He taught us how to resuscitate people and call for first aid.
Sally works as a digital director for the NHS and taught us how many digital options their are for future careers
Alex loved sport but explained that there are more options than just playing for a team - he went to America and coached sport to young people
Katie has always liked helping people and now manages a team who support families in crisis.
John works in higher education but talked to us about how he turned a sad event in his life into something to be proud of - he cycled round Scotland in 7 days to raise money for charity.
Liz started her own photography company and has gone on to win many awards for her beautiful work.
Sulaiman used to come to our school, has studied science at university and also volunteers for St Johns Ambulance.
Carolyn came to talk to us about how she finds joy and loves all her animals - from her we learnt never give up no matter what life throws at you
Another parent came and spoke to us about being a pharmacist.
Naziya is a governor at our school and spoke to us about her job as a lecturer for trainee teachers .
Bev works at the university but spends her spare entering dressage competitions and has helped at the paralympicstime
Steve was a fireman and he came to talk to us about his job and his likes and dislikes.
Alice is training to be a teacher but told us how in her spare time she is a cheer leader, she even taught us some moves.
Lynda is a nurse and she came into school to show the reception class how she helps people feel better. We remembered words like injection and hospital.
Danielle is in the RAF and she showed us her uniform and we looked at all the amazing places she visits and all the work she carries out.
Urfan works at Bradford University and came to talk about the journey his life as been and what he enjoys doing now.
Hannah works for DEC Leeds, she is very interested in the community and environment and we learnt lots about fairtrade.