For many years our school has based its vision on our ethos of P.E.R.S.I.S.T.
By working together we are keen to make sure that children can maintain their love of learning and school – hopefully reflecting on this uncertain year will reinforce how important and worthwhile their education is. We continue to focus on what children knew previously and build on that, making connections with past and future learning. Central to all of this is a focus on relationships – being able to enjoy being with others.
The education we provide is focused on 3 main elements of school life.
- Pastoral, social, emotional and mental wellbeing.
- Attitudes to learning
- Academic progress.
We believe that the combination of these three elements will ensure that our children are in the best place to develop and succeed in their next stage of education.
Pastoral, Social and Emotional Wellbeing
- To support children in school we use a range of strategies including lessons on their emotions, the use of mindfulness for emotional well-being and coaching strategies , which helps individuals to reason, solve and deal with their own issues and worries.
- Our behaviour policy ensures consistency across school. The policy is both positive and transparent and uses the language of learning to praise pupils for what they did right and involves them in discussions to understand the impact of certain behaviours.
- Children are reminded of how they can share their worries and concerns at any point – we use a variety of options such as worry boxes, talking to specific members of staff or using circle time.
Attitudes to Learning
- Our P.E.R.S.I.S.T ethos has been integral in our school for many years now and builds on the Characteristics of Effective Learning that the children are assessed against in Early Years and is relevant even more so right now. We believe that this ethos for staff and children is essential in creating a successful learning environment.
- The different strands are as follows:
P |
E |
R |
S |
I |
S |
T |
Ready to learn and well rested, |
Ready with everything they need including ideas and learning attitudes |
Valuing the building, others and themselves |
Willing and able to listen to and be kind to others |
Engaged In the learning offered to them |
Determined to keep trying and not give up |
Using every opportunity to think, reflect and learn |
- The children are taught explicitly about these behaviours and rewarded for exhibiting them and we hope that you will be able to continue using the same language and rewarding them at home for these behaviours.
Academic Progress
- All of these attitudes and skills enable children to maximise their academic progress.
- In order to enhance this progress we see our curriculum running alongside our pastoral support and attitudes to learning development, to find out what the children need next.
- Children are taught to use feedback as a way of improving their work and we ensure we praise process rather than outcome so that children see hard work, perseverance, commitment and choices as a route to improving.
In the meantime, Mrs Julie Lock our Reception teacher, will be telephoning everyone to have a chat and discuss any questions you may have and we have created this new Reception starter page. This page will give you lots of information and show you what life at Brudenell Primary School is like in a normal working week.
Jill Harland
Brudenell Primary School
0113 2785168
Please take a look at our video above showing you reception and nursery provision
Reception Leader Presentation