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Welcome to our Early Years - Nursery and Reception - Phase 1

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About us

The Foundation Stage is made up of the Nursery and the Reception Classes. Children can start attending the Nursery, for 15 hours, the term after their third birthday and when there is a place available.

Children are admitted in age order and parents can put the child’s name on a waiting list. Nursery staff will make home visits to get to know parents and children. This helps the young child feel safe and secure in their first experience of separation from their parents. There are places for 26 children in each of the morning and afternoon sessions.

Nursery times are the same as main school:

Due to puils numbers we currently only run Morning sessions, these start at 8.45am and finish at 11.45am.



Please contact the office if you would like to discuss this  on 0113 2785168

Nursery children transfer to the Reception class in the year in which they are 5. The transition is smooth with structured visits during the summer term so the children feel confident. The curriculum in the Foundation Stage centres on the children learning in an interactive and motivating environment. As they progress through the Foundation Stage, more emphasis is given to formal learning. We believe young children learn best when they are actively involved and we provide stimulating surroundings to engage their interest. Encouraging talk and developing language takes place with the help of our bi-lingual staff and we encourage this through stories, rhymes, songs, talk and role-play inside or in the outdoor areas. Children continue their learning in the outdoor environment.


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